Exam project

**For general (credits, attendance) info, see course description

Delivery times

Ideas for possible projects: See here

Last update: TODO

In short:

What to do

First of all: send by email to TODO@TODO.COM a brief description of the project, to decide what to do. I will create a Google doc to keep track of progresses and / or problems found.

Once the project is defined, go on like this:

1 - Download zip with template (view online files TODO )

After unzipped, you will find a folder named NAME-SURNAME-ID, with these files inside:

    - project.ipynb
    - markdown.ipynb
    - requirements.txt
    - img
        - example.png

2 - Rename the folder NAME-SURNAME-ID with your data

3 - run Jupyter from the folder you just renamed

4 - edit file project.ipynb , closely following the indications in the following technical requirements

5 - Once done, send project by email to TODO@TODO.COM

Technical requirements

Write in Markdown

Python code

requirements.txt file

Graphical interfaces

Be careful to